
In 2006 Richard E Mayer set out "Ten Principles for Multimedia Learning" based on his research at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

This blog gives you the opportunity to agree or not with Mayer's ten principles.

To start with look at a few example educational pages,do they totally support support Mayer's principles? or are there any snags?Try a few examples from multimedia educational sites around the web. Do they support Mayer's principles - or not?

Keep the ten principles in mind as you surf - add your own examples that support one or more of Mayer's principles.

Found a site you think proves or disproves a principle?
Think the principle drives a coach and horses through the principles of good web design?
Post your comment on any of the examples here and tell the world why.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Modality Principle:
People learn better from words and pictures when words are spoken, rather than printed.

Here's an example from Adobe .com.
When does entertaining become annoying?
How many times will you need to view the video before you can remember all the steps?
Better that boring old lists of instructions?
Instructions better 'cos you can print them out?
Click comments to praise or pan adobe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting and helpful article. I have a question about #4 -- the Modality Principle: People learn better from words and pictures when words are spoken, rather than printed.

I feel I learn even better when there the words are printed as well as spoken. I like some key words to be shown in text, at the same time they are spoken. Would that be in line with the principles, or contrary to the principles?
Thank you!